Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lola's Deep Voice

Lola's Deep Voice

In my efforts to study Western men, I find that they are all to commonly absorbed by natural desires that in this country, are expressed without restraint, or inhibition.  I am grateful for whatever men I see, for all too often, I find none of their gender in places of service, but especially in places of government and authority.  Initially I thought that it was government trying to make a mends for Victorian era subjugation of women, yet, I have had a rude awakening to issues I hoped I could forget.

It came to my attention as I try to keep myself open to socialize with anyone who may happen to make contact, usually by e-mail as I'm not a fan of "chat nodes."  I do have an account on another social server like Facebook, and now that I created a second account in English rather than Korean, I receive messages from many women, both young and old who are fishing for a mate. 

I'm married to a woman raised in a country where honor for men is natural and culturally correct, not just for Korea, but even through all my studies in the Torah and the following books added to the ancient Hebrew collection of writing that clearly describe the life and ways of Hebrew culture. Nevertheless, even though my marital status is posted clearly, I still get messages and since they are from Americans, I figure it may be due to the education they have received.

So, with regards to education, I began to look at the profiles of many of these attractive women and noticed that many of them noted their gender as male.  I had to stop and question one by suggesting that she may have forgotten to check the right box, but even after the suggestions to correct, it remained unchanged.  Then as I began to examine some others, I discovered the same error.  Then the unthinkable occurred to me, that some men at early puberty make the deadly choice to follow the lead of a woman friend who just happens to prefer women to men and what could be better for the weird women than to influence a man to medically alter his physical appearance.

Unthinkable, shocking and something that would clash so hard with Asian standards that society would take severe actions to have what they consider "socially harmful  people deported.  I know my people are as hard as diamonds but the ones who remain in the culture could never accept such sick behavior  it is sick in a number of ways: It's unscientific as the unchangeable XY chromosome influence will present a life long opposition to female chemistry.  Nowhere in nature do animals do such actions.  In world cultures, there is no records of such behavior.

Bottom line for me, it is an explanation for the over abundance of women who act like jackhammer operators.  More succinctly depicted in "Million Dollar Baby" where a woman would be boxer tries for a championship boxing match with anther women; but one look and it was clear that the opposition was a transgender or simply a very tough man altered to appear as a woman.  As the story goes, the opposition totally disable the real woman.

So I figure in retrospect, the more than thirty women in the Fairbanks School District who organized themselves and worked two years to fabricate a false report just to get me fired, were composed by some men who were transsexuals. You think my numbers and suppositions are from a "dream world of my making?"  Think again, for the information I quoted was just that, a quote from one real woman intimately connected with this mass effort of these "Mobster Mommas" to do me in.  But why would women want to assault me subversively?

Oh it an old old story the reached deep into the unmovable roots on inferiority that women feel next to men.  They "think" they have equal rights but the truth is, woman was a creation of man, she has absolutely no value save a possible loving companion for a good man and a mother for his children.  Because in the start, God created man first and did so out of dust or stellar nova fall out.   Man is the only type of human being who carries in his body the information to create a woman or a male.  The only thing a woman really contributes is an extra X chromosome and some additions accoutrements to make the DNA feel at home and start working.  

However, if there were a terrible cataclysm where a few men survived, with the recombinant technology we are very near to completing, a X chromosome from a male sperm cell could be combined with another Y chromosome from the male sperm and then attach the Golgi complex and mitochondria and the other parts of the "percolator" and man recreates man or if X is chosen, he recreates a woman.  If a group of women survive and the recombinant technology exists, they are going to die off for two reasons: 1. Women only have X chromosomes in their body no Y. 2. No woman knows how to wieled the appratus of a scinece lab, no inbred techinical know how, if you remember the famous story of Amelia Earhart, or the famous Madame Curie who "just happened to be on hand to receive the award set for her husbands early mysterious death after he had consulted with women in the occult, very simple if you do some study.

"Oh this guy just hates women."  No quite the contrary, I'm married to a wonderful woman who has two wonder young women as daughters.   I enjoy my time learning from her in depths studies of the entire cannon of Hebrew and Greek writings that make clear the Love of God meant for this world to operate on.  What I hate are women who are so blood thirsty that they will try and cut my throat just because I don't have to sit to pee, but as a result of their relentless assaults on my ability to survive up here in Fairbanks Alaska, they are harming and bringing suffering to other women to whom I'm in love and for the many young women I tried to teach.  This place hasn't changed since I was last here in 1998 when power crazy women in law enforcement and many other parts of the legal system sought to do me great harm and in turn, hurt the life and future of my blind wife at that time.  I tried to get my wife at that time out of the terrible mess in the USA but she earnestly didn't want to go to another country; in the end, we added a second set of rings, spoke with her mother who totally understood.  

So, I must detail how far women have shoved my life here in my main web page accounting.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Run From The Creepiest Thing

Poor men who never knew what really waited behind seductive glances. A story to reflect on.  Can you imagine a cute gal taking control of a man's mind and if it happens to a point where the man begins to depend on the woman, your going to be consumed. 

Once men are snagged by women, they are put through tests to determine how secure they have their hooks set.  One ultimate test is to use your job authority to her or her groups advantage.  An example is a male police officer being "tweaked" by his woman to take down an innocent citizen. To arrange a set up, then a take down of a threat.  Don't think so?  Look at the US Military.  How many returning vets are showered with flowers and endless house to house feasting and countless check ups by the VA to make sure the vets are well employed and cared for?  Oh, don't see this?  You mean these men were tricked into doing evil and now they must eat their "raw deal'"

You can't see it, but the motive behind the military is expansion of land and take down of goods,  But why?  Why do people need more land and more goods, I thought the US was very well off?  Well when you have a government tuned by women, you must understand that they have a whole system built to foster children without fathers because women are trained to lure, snag, hook, brow beat, abuse their man and IF the man tries to defend themselves, it's called domestic abuse and your either jail bound or on the run for life.  They will find you and shackle you to run the hulking monster power by all the other men suckered into a trap.

Which Will She Put You Under?

NOTE (Sorry, We Don't Produce Women's Models)

Men do have a secret power that will protect them but they lose access once the shack up with a woman.  You can't have all the goodies of earth and the power of heaven too.

I served my country and they took care of me and kept me alive when I almost died.  However, when I had an accident that left me in a living hell wishing for a quick death, to escape nerve damage and pain, I went to the VA.  While in suffering agony, they eyed the obvious broken bones and pinched nerves and simply said, "Yeah, it's painful, but it won't kill you." They were right, it wouldn't kill me but it left me longing for death, until a miracle happened in Korea.

So the soldier murdered and God hates murder.  But the vet says, "I was serving my country."  God will say, "I firmly warned you NOT to go, NOT to get involved.  You disobeyed ME!  Obedience Must come FIRST!"  You can say, "The military You gave me made me do it." This statement is exactly what the first man said after he was made a sucker by a woman.  God said to the woman and the military, "Did you do this to the Man I gave you?" The woman and military say, "Oh it was Satan who lured me and made me do wrong."

The creepiest thing I can see and easily sense is the soul crunching carnivorous actions of some younger stronger women, who have taken advantage of a man's honest love for them. Betraying his love, most men are so poisoned that they can't understand how his trust for this woman is being used set him up to be devoured.  The man enters a venom induced sleep where the woman literally spiritually consumes the man from the inside out.  Whenever, someone detects their friend slipping into oblivion, usually there is little left of the man, so he is able to respond on his own.

These Stones Will Lift 
You Above a Losers Lusts

To cover her bizarre and sick spiritual consumption. she can call up memories and replay them to others trying to imitate life, but it's not really the original man, because "the original man" has been consumed and the woman plays him like a puppet to deceive the world into thinking the friend is still vivid.  It's all too obvious because the mimicked part of the man are the parts a woman would know, simple things, nothing of the complex male intellect is left.  Any and all intellectual, philosophical aspects of his male personality were destroyed in the spirits efforts to consume the essential power transferring elements, using his body much like a suit but the spirit in control, came from a woman, so there is no propensity for intellectual or mathematical interest.  In the end, after the host is sure that the that naturally end in physical death that "looks like" a natural event but it's not.

One Stone Path
Two Stones Path

One To Life - One to Death - God Knows The Way
If You Hear His Voice, You Can Make a Choice

In many ways, long before the man dies physically, the woman can empower the man much like a scuba diver empowers a wet suit.  Yep, creepy, it's really the woman in the skin of the man, using his trusted nature to go out and infect other men making them easy consumption for female carnivores.  I watched my brother die and become a remote carrier who in turn infected the remainder of my family and my most trusted uncle was made subject to the large evil which his wife carries.


Teshookaw it means to devour like an animal.  It is used in Genesis chapter 3 verse 16 to make clear woman's objectives for her man after Satan brought them all down from God's safe keeping.  Yes, it says, "...and woman will desire to control her husband to the point of devouring his every bit of will power..."

The world has some good women somewhere.  I've spent a life time looking and discovered a place with honorable and pure women.  But the time I found the place with women who obey husbands out of the joy of watching their husbands respond by giving her his life.  I now reached the end of my road and I don't have a woman, but God has me and now that nothing distracts my attention, He has questions to help me learn how it ends for me.

Actually He showed me two years ago and I was in a hurry to reach what I saw from a flight by jet going back to a place I once knew as "home," a place now rampant with women out of control.  Certainly, women up here are not normal; living in a place where being inside for eight months is "normal." but unless your an avid cold weather hiker, or runner who is sane (running at temperatures not below -30 F), life can be good, but shop for women in a country where honor for gender follows a pattern set down by the Hebrew People (Old Testament) or found in the old culture of Korea, before 1990.  Some pockets can still be found in isolated island communities, or in North Korea, if you hold a passport other than Japan, US, South Korea or Israel, these passports will bring you to a door slammed in your face, and for good reason "if only you knew the true history of your country and the world."

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't Be A "Ding-a-Ling"

Hey, if there are any men not shackled to their bed potty, I would get up, take a vow of celibacy and pray for God’s help (REALLY) because at this moment, you are a floor mop for the women sucking you is for alimony for a ten second rush....Don’t reinforce the idea in their minds that “Men are Stupid Fools Ruled by their “ding-a-ling.” LOL

Monday, December 31, 2012

What Do Mom's Do While Kids Get Shot??

Women or Men, Are Any Purer?

An Open Message To A Gesturing Beach Gal

After coming to your country, I discovered that all my Korean Primary School students would see the people I speak with on my Facebook (or Buttbook) account, everyone puts their best face forward) in the West; I had to make a separate Facebook site.  So I gather from your profile picture that you have serviced more traffic than rush hour on the LA freeway.  Just think, in forty years the world will look back and realize what an unfortunate turn of affairs fell upon your mother.  I would hope it doesn't spread, but with women, such a request denies their base function.

I love finding women who have husbands who celebrate a sight of a small bit of blood on their wedding night sheet.  Yep, I'm a FIRM believer in the statement, "America - Love it or Leave It!"  Now that I'm a citizen of a country where women pride themselves on being virgins on their wedding night; EVEN if it takes 28-32 years of waiting for mothers to arrange the dream husband.  I write a lot (  regarding what I've discovered about women of the world, for I'm sure, I'm about three times older than you are, yet a very special group of older women in my home country, put on wet suits and dive in chilling winter waters to depths of one hundred feet on a single breath of air, many times a day; not for sport or recreation, but as a way to gather marketable sea food that men have no way to harvest.

Definitely, they are women I admire and honor; they are always hard working and because of this, have no idle time to "Cultivate a Coven with the Lame Lazy Lumps of Lard who also dive but all the subsurface talent they have is associated with Bering Sea Blubber Bags who have made Alaska cold temperature dumpster diving a sport for all subversive Chicks in the West. Happy to see you stay in shape, but I do know the older Lard Lizards will sluice you for compromising information' oh yeah, every young woman knows it's so easy to lure a dumb male to give up a treasure for a ten second rush; but the lazy subversive older women surely appreciate a "hot list" of recent clients ESPECIALLY high profile people like government leaders, clergy, and any and all males in position of esteem and trust.

Experience has taught me that even if a male fits the category of the "immaculate manhood," lacking any deadly record of sexual compromising relations, these Power Mongering Mamas on Broomsticks  will create a false story, all haphazardly concocted as a tenuous tale, teetering on frail hopes that "could be" easily exposed as falsely fabricated motives to subvert what turns out to be a juvenile response to jealousy.  However, this tantalizing bait dangles before my eyes as a very easy "slam-dunk" litigation exposing the perverted nature of a number of Western women.  Though "tantalizing," this obvious bit of victory is a slimy bit of bait bandaged together by the bacteria saturated mindset of the local arctic coven. It's clear to see that this local group of female colostomy receptors is easy to "sense" as the tip of an assburg with its most extreme association posted with their naturally unstable emotional composition, being hammered by the extremes of winter, without sun, to summer without night.

Wow, fortunate!?  You bet I consider myself fortunate since one of these women had a twenty-eight year old daughter who became by Open Water scuba instructor and Free Dive trainer. Quite certain you will trash this and go on as usual.  In two hundred years, I will be some place enjoying life to the full; having had a brief visit, arrangements were made for a delay before the world wide shock comes with the object scientists have detected heading this way.  All of history has one sentiment about these mysterious objects and I just figure it's better for me to be far, very far away before it grows brighter in the sky.

This isn't the first time the Mobster Mommas came to do me in with yet another false arrest, false allegations  wrongful imprisonment and faulty litigation; it just the last time I was wearing my typical rust rotting armor so easy to destroy and defeat.  One I made it to my homeland, a doctor wisely told me, "If you value your mental health, never return to that country."   Not that I disobeyed his orders, but rather, I had optimistic hopes I could use my experience to help the hurting children of the Western nations as well as assist the female dominated academic "strong hold."


Is the above just the ramblings of an educator that was hijacked from his homeland by misguided employees of an embassy under the control of the U.S Department of State?  No, not at all, the wording above is the prelude to a settlement under the jurisdiction of my Father and Almighty God.  As it has been since my arrival, all assaults, lies, subversive plans to sever my relationship with students of Early Childhood is NOT an assault against me personally, it never has been and never can be.  All the subversive hate and malice, comes from a very ancient conflict when woman deliberately decided to do things "her way" instead of God's way through her husband.

Whatever repercussions and fall out from this "Last Stand" befall women but especially the men and the churches that failed the men are being prepared for their speechless review and judgment   It has already begun and will pick up momentum running to the final moment   As the clock on this web site indicates, the repercussions in terms of "to be or not to be" begin for those who set the clock in motion.  Much like a virus, it spreads without recourse, as each person stand with bloodless doorway entries, the dark angel will take what belongs to him, be it life, health, safety or help.  This has been your choice and I refuse to "Stay the Hand of Almighty Love."

Friday, December 28, 2012

Wanted - Warm Hearted Men

It's taking me a while to learn the ways and desires of Western women. I don't know about you, but this Western photo portrays the local tastes of women of your country.

Learning Proper Respect

By studying history, we learn that women in "high places" should be given assistance by every man and his best friend.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Secrets Men Die For

This is the Beginning of a Series to Show
Just How Much of Your Life is 
Controlled by Women
One Seemingly Trivial Question to Help
You Think is the Following:
On your chest are two dark colored circles, 
"What Are They and What are They For?"
As well, both men and women have a well defined
Indentation About in the Middle of Your Stomachs, 
"What is this and where did it come from?" 
Women Are Busy Pulling Off The Greatest Power Play
The History of the Planet has ever Known and Men
Are Being "Used" to Fuel the Engine of Their Device.