Lola's Deep Voice
In my efforts to study Western men, I find that they are all to commonly absorbed by natural desires that in this country, are expressed without restraint, or inhibition. I am grateful for whatever men I see, for all too often, I find none of their gender in places of service, but especially in places of government and authority. Initially I thought that it was government trying to make a mends for Victorian era subjugation of women, yet, I have had a rude awakening to issues I hoped I could forget.
It came to my attention as I try to keep myself open to socialize with anyone who may happen to make contact, usually by e-mail as I'm not a fan of "chat nodes." I do have an account on another social server like Facebook, and now that I created a second account in English rather than Korean, I receive messages from many women, both young and old who are fishing for a mate.
I'm married to a woman raised in a country where honor for men is natural and culturally correct, not just for Korea, but even through all my studies in the Torah and the following books added to the ancient Hebrew collection of writing that clearly describe the life and ways of Hebrew culture. Nevertheless, even though my marital status is posted clearly, I still get messages and since they are from Americans, I figure it may be due to the education they have received.
So, with regards to education, I began to look at the profiles of many of these attractive women and noticed that many of them noted their gender as male. I had to stop and question one by suggesting that she may have forgotten to check the right box, but even after the suggestions to correct, it remained unchanged. Then as I began to examine some others, I discovered the same error. Then the unthinkable occurred to me, that some men at early puberty make the deadly choice to follow the lead of a woman friend who just happens to prefer women to men and what could be better for the weird women than to influence a man to medically alter his physical appearance.
Unthinkable, shocking and something that would clash so hard with Asian standards that society would take severe actions to have what they consider "socially harmful people deported. I know my people are as hard as diamonds but the ones who remain in the culture could never accept such sick behavior it is sick in a number of ways: It's unscientific as the unchangeable XY chromosome influence will present a life long opposition to female chemistry. Nowhere in nature do animals do such actions. In world cultures, there is no records of such behavior.
Bottom line for me, it is an explanation for the over abundance of women who act like jackhammer operators. More succinctly depicted in "Million Dollar Baby" where a woman would be boxer tries for a championship boxing match with anther women; but one look and it was clear that the opposition was a transgender or simply a very tough man altered to appear as a woman. As the story goes, the opposition totally disable the real woman.
So I figure in retrospect, the more than thirty women in the Fairbanks School District who organized themselves and worked two years to fabricate a false report just to get me fired, were composed by some men who were transsexuals. You think my numbers and suppositions are from a "dream world of my making?" Think again, for the information I quoted was just that, a quote from one real woman intimately connected with this mass effort of these "Mobster Mommas" to do me in. But why would women want to assault me subversively?
Oh it an old old story the reached deep into the unmovable roots on inferiority that women feel next to men. They "think" they have equal rights but the truth is, woman was a creation of man, she has absolutely no value save a possible loving companion for a good man and a mother for his children. Because in the start, God created man first and did so out of dust or stellar nova fall out. Man is the only type of human being who carries in his body the information to create a woman or a male. The only thing a woman really contributes is an extra X chromosome and some additions accoutrements to make the DNA feel at home and start working.
However, if there were a terrible cataclysm where a few men survived, with the recombinant technology we are very near to completing, a X chromosome from a male sperm cell could be combined with another Y chromosome from the male sperm and then attach the Golgi complex and mitochondria and the other parts of the "percolator" and man recreates man or if X is chosen, he recreates a woman. If a group of women survive and the recombinant technology exists, they are going to die off for two reasons: 1. Women only have X chromosomes in their body no Y. 2. No woman knows how to wieled the appratus of a scinece lab, no inbred techinical know how, if you remember the famous story of Amelia Earhart, or the famous Madame Curie who "just happened to be on hand to receive the award set for her husbands early mysterious death after he had consulted with women in the occult, very simple if you do some study.
"Oh this guy just hates women." No quite the contrary, I'm married to a wonderful woman who has two wonder young women as daughters. I enjoy my time learning from her in depths studies of the entire cannon of Hebrew and Greek writings that make clear the Love of God meant for this world to operate on. What I hate are women who are so blood thirsty that they will try and cut my throat just because I don't have to sit to pee, but as a result of their relentless assaults on my ability to survive up here in Fairbanks Alaska, they are harming and bringing suffering to other women to whom I'm in love and for the many young women I tried to teach. This place hasn't changed since I was last here in 1998 when power crazy women in law enforcement and many other parts of the legal system sought to do me great harm and in turn, hurt the life and future of my blind wife at that time. I tried to get my wife at that time out of the terrible mess in the USA but she earnestly didn't want to go to another country; in the end, we added a second set of rings, spoke with her mother who totally understood.
So, I must detail how far women have shoved my life here in my main web page accounting.
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