Sunday, May 8, 2011

Men in Peril

Views and insights on the ways a world is sighted, sought, sorted, soothed, seduced and finally subdued.

Just yesterday there was a knock on my door, which is a rare thing to happen. I'm still not used to the retrograde door bell system in this world; where I came from, everyone had a neat doorbell, with a built in color television monitor so you could see what or who was at your door before you even touch the door knob. Wow, in a world where people live with the constant fear of terror, I'm surprised that no one has thought to install one of these handy intercom door bells, with flush wall mount color TV monitors so you can see every detail of who is at your door even when there is no light on. Yep, these external wall mount electronic door bell systems make life so much nicer.

Anyway, a knock came on the door to the apartment where I sat writing. Not knowing who it was, I had to shout, “Who is it?” Hearing an utterance of a male but not understanding what was said, I opened the door to find a native man who appeared to be in his late twenties. His clothing was rather disheveled, his hair was typically long as the traditional native American men wear it. Likewise, a head band was wrapped around his head to keep his hair back and he stood with a slightly hunched over posture and asked, “Is (female name) here?” As he spoke, I noted he had a few front teeth missing which fit the unfortunate stereotype for his ethnic group characteristics. Noticing in a short time that he wasn't totally sober and appeared to be a bit disoriented, I was quick to let him know that he had the wrong apartment. My hand was on the door to shut it but he paused as if he had no other option for seeking what he said he was looking for, when suddenly, a door across the hall way opened up and there stood a young woman, wearing tiny shorts exposing her long legs and above she wore a pink spaghetti strap halter top. In a single flash of insight it was clear that I was witnessing another flounder being reeled in for the kill.

The parasitic tendencies of women using the single thing that no man I know has power to resist, is bringing them a victory that is spreading around this world. How extensive is this power and control? Is it just the life of one couple who somehow remain alive in one room for what appears to be twenty-four hours a day doing what dogs find so common to do. Can this fall of men be more extensive than just a dark bedroom in some tenement building? Is it possible that women wield more control of this world than men can ever see? How much control do I speak of? The control I speak of is complete world domination. What speculative evidence could I cite for such a claim? Well let's begin by looking at the first signs of feminine power and involvement. However, before venturing into such an investigation, I must ask the question, “Are all women involved in such subversive ploys?” “Are there any women who are exempt from consideration or are all women guilty?” Before putting pen to paper to initiate the ultimate acid test of the famed statement, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” let me lay a clear foundation for a pathway to blame; as I have already written, men are ultimately to blame, they are the fallible knuckle heads who do more thinking with the opposite of their larger head and get themselves in the mess they now have themselves in. They have always preferred that women take the elevated position in their life, and if they now suffer the consequences of being under their foot, and locked with shackles to the bedroom furniture, it's all because men made this choice to enter this dark abyss by their own recognizance. So, if heads must roll, I will be the first to lay my neck on the chopping block; but, before I do, I must clear my conscience of every woman who should be exonerated before I expose a view that men will find frightfully shameful and women will find diabolically intriguing.

First, I must confess my gender (from the tone of writing should obviate femininity) is male but as with all males in the world, I like others entered this physical realm through an orifice located between two others used for the process of eliminating other useless waste from the human body. The fact that records show that the body within which residence is maintained as with almost every other man on this planet, indicates a dubious record that betrays a fascination with such an orifice that few women would dare render as a sanitary region devoid of bacteria and associated discharge of foul blood to be a source of pleasure and many times the focal point and definition of all their desires and life ambitions, now appears to expose the depravity of man's mental capacity as being beyond comprehension. How can I say such a thing? I can say that because as a being resident in such a body, evidence is found of records of a being who is guilty of diving to such depths at some point in life in this world; I mean if there were no records of such deplorable depths this being had sunk to, there would be nothing to write and for women to use as evidence of personal evil, sinister, depraved, weak dreadful nature. An immediate end to this deplorable exploration into the depths of moral corruption must be enacted instantly for further investigation would be as entertaining as contemplating what joys could be found in a hot tub party held in an overflowing cesspool.

It's critical to review the initial stand before pressing on. First, I admit, most men are to blame. Ah..someone's ears perk up and notes that I say, “Most man” not “All men” and how could I possibly not include all men in this discussion, cross examination and exposure of a plot to rule the world through subterfuge involving almost all women? The exceptions to this rule for women, are those women who being prepubescent died as virgins. It's simply due to the fact that history records the life of some men and even some women who have been gifted with the ability to avoid the temptation of matters that are sensual. I will make a list of those women and men, but to begin the list for women I will cite the woman by the name of Mary who gave birth to a special boy who wound up going on to become the only man at the top of the list for humanity.

A couple of benchmarks must be set to establish boundaries for exploration, the first will be the motives of the man at my door yesterday. What was he looking for? The answer is always very simple for men. Why is it simple for men? It's simple because I hear women always saying that men have a “one track mind” and that track is a dirt track. Okay, so according to a woman's opinion, “Men have a one track mind, and that track is a dirt track.” Fair enough, let's go with that for a start. If men have a one track mind and that track is claimed to be a dirt track, where is the dirt coming from? What is it that is dirty that they seek? Why is it dirty? Why do some parents put data filters on their computer Internet browsers? Do they put the filters on their computers to protect their children? What are they trying to protect their children from? Is whatever it is clean? I don't think that parents spend money to protect their kids from clean content from the Internet. How about pornography? Is this clean? If it isn't why is it not clean? How is it that men spend so much time and effort to browse porn sites on the Internet? How does this content involving images of women become dirty. Mystery, just an image of a naked woman is defined as “dirty” or “filthy.” Okay, sounds like a reasonable assessment.

Now here is an issue to look at, men and their Internet browsing habits. Do you know how many men who call themselves “Christians,” attending church every Sunday, raising a family and has a wife yet in secret when he thinks no one is looking, he is browsing pornographic web sites. On the last day that image projected on the great walls before his eyes and the entire universe to see will make his ears keenly sensitive to the cold darkness of an abyss with side more slippery than anything he has ever spent time studying.

My enemy knows my weaknesses and that is a tendency to lose my focus. Benchmarks, the guy at my door, what was he looking for, ah..I mean who was he looking for? He was looking for a trap to get caught in that would strip him of any dignity he could have gained if he had walked away from the second door that opened for him. You see, when I look at this young man I see a poor lonely native man who would like some company with an attractive white woman who dresses like she is ready to give him what he wants. To make this boring story short, the guy walks in, she and this young native man do what unfortunately comes natural, and in so doing she gains something. Does the young man gain anything? Yes, of course he gets something and that is the same thing every man on this planet appears to be selling his soul for. What are men selling their souls for? Well, very simply, men are selling their souls for a few fleeting moments of sensual pleasure. Men get a few moments of jollies and in return women secures a life time commitment of hard work and slavery from the brief pleasure. Not much different than what one feels when they watch a beautiful mountain lion sniff at a piece of meat only to find in a moment being caught in a metallic net and later being prepared for the taxidermist. Why would I say, in order to gain this pleasure, “men must sell their souls?” Humm I reminded of an old Hebrew story about an old blind father who promised to bestow his birth right upon his favored son, yet was deceived when the favored son in great hunger sold that birth right to his brother for a small bit of porridge. Oh how terribly did the son lament his loss, yet even with great tears of anguish, he could not gain what his blind father bestowed on his brother, orchestrated through a joint effort involving deception born of a hunger for a tiny taste treat. What I'm about to say is as simple as stating basic laws of nature, like gravity or energy. What happens if a person decides to use their hand to flip pan cakes? Sounds like a silly question, right? Every normal human would know your going to get burned if you flip pan cakes with your bare hands.

So, what happens when a man gets his few moments of sensual (physical) pleasure from a woman, something which is like violating natural law? To answer this we need to look at some issues of that are like the study of opposites as in black and white, up and down, day and night. So even in nature we have pairing of opposites like summer and winter, moving and stationary and to make this as elementary as possible what is the opposite of man? Can we answer with “woman” and be accurate? Most people know that a woman can only give birth to a boy or a girl. What does a man gain in a physical relationship? The answer is all too simple, as stated just before, it's a few moments of physical pleasure; however, this physical pleasure can't be experienced unless a man lets go of something else. Ah! The unknown mystery. Don't let men know about this or they might try and escape. How are men different than women? As soon as you ask that question the majority of people look down below their belly buttons, and the inquiry ends. As I ponder this incredibly juvenile posture for understanding, I recall a woman telling me a joke that dealt with a fictitious conversation between a little boy and little girl, I thought the woman to be a rather moral person, so the joke was a surprise. The simplistic line of reason dealt with the boy bragging that he had something the little girl didn't. The irony of the joke was to have the little girl respond to his bragging by proclaiming her innate deficit to be superior to his claim to fame, because her deficit would allow her to acquire as many of what he proudly claimed possession of as she wanted. The fact that she told me a joke only women would share with other women and never a man, left me to figure that something in my upbringing made women feel comfortable telling me such jokes; later, another woman shared a joke meant strictly as a joke among women and it is so shocking that I wouldn’t even hint at its content.

There is another difference between men ad women and it has to do with dealing with things of the unseen world. The original story regarding man and woman centers on just this fact. Man has always been a being created from the material of stars by a Creator of the universe and woman, well what about woman? Lets begin with the names, first there is the simple spelling “MAN” and then there is the more complex “WOMAN” which as any one can see, contains the word “man” as its source and origin. I can't make any apologies for woman's rights and the feminine movement and all that stuff. I have heard the people need to speak politically correct by not saying I need a policeman but rather I need a “police officer” which the last I heard was taken so far as to petition the alteration of the politically incorrect speech involving the word “history” as it should also include “herstory.” From what I recall, the year I heard this was the year I left the United States to air out my brain. Anyway, the fact is, the word “woman” contains the word “man” for a reason and that is due to the immutable fact that woman was fashioned and fabricated by virtue of the material constructed of man. Men were designed with a built in sense of reason and a propensity for the analytical, and if anyone takes a moment to look closely at the way the universe operates, it does so by powers of reason and logical process. According to the original story, woman was designed with a built in ability to communicate and not just with her husband but with beings who would never go near man, because man's ability to discern and reason would expose the intent of any being that came to him. Woman could communicate with the spirit world far better than man could and as the story goes, she listened to the instructions of an angel with very great power. The angel really wanted to mess up a plan made by a loving Creator who gave him the boot out of heaven for trying to usurp the power and control only held by the Creator. Not able to reach man, the woman listened to what this most incredible angel of light had to say and then she brought the influence of this angel to her husband. The angel knew that her husband could not hold to both the Creator's hand and the hand of an angel thrown out of heaven, so the angel used the woman to reach what he could not reach any other way., he used the woman, and the rest of the world knows how the story ends..or continues.

So what does the young native man get for his time with the white scantily clad woman? Why he gets a few moments of fleeting pleasure, naturally. Now what does the woman get? Well, since as explained above, man can't hold to the hand of the Give of Spiritual Life and have physical pleasure too. The only way this is possible and let me make this really really clear. The ONLY way that a man can have a physical relationship with a woman is to be sure first of all that the woman he plans to have this physical relationship with is a virgin and likewise, he, the man, has never had a woman before her. They must commit to love each other until the day they die and in this commitment known as marriage, it becomes possible for man to kind of “have his cake and eat it too” but this can't really happen and even if man and woman are virgins with plans to love each other until death, they will have problems that others who commit their lives with a single heart to the Source of Pure Love will not experience. Let me say this a little more clearly, life in this world has set laws of nature involving gravity, time and space; we all, as beings which are part of this physical world are subject to these laws; we are born and we will all die someday. As I have written in other places, the words I put here have a inherent power that comes from a spirit world, all words are like that and because of this we must be very careful with how we use words because people know that words, if not handled with care, can hurt and destroy life as much as they can convey and nurture life.

The sun gets lower in the western sky and I must set the second bench mark and fill in the story between these points (if I'm given time in this world to do so) at a later date.

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