Friday, June 17, 2011

Northward Building

Few there be who know the secret knowledge of how to survive in the wilderness. A world totally devoid of man's modern day plastic card accessible metallic mammaries by which he willingly enslaves himself to the dubious task of meticulously shaping a world sculpted by the directives from an orifice more cautiously covered by a well needed two inch thick cast iron orb found on every street and highway which have conveyed mellenia of wanton and frequent traffic; yes this dangerous hole in the freeway of the modern world is more commonly called a man hole and wisely has a heavy steel cover to stop the blind from an unsanitary plunge into a stinking bacteria infested conduit strategically located between two others designed to convey the solid and liquid waste of those unable to rise to the call of nature.

Gads, what kind of mind would find its fixation on such a place. Ah I know, the intellect of the Philistines who wave their banner seen ever so boldly fluttering below the earth worms and maggots busily employed in each and every cemetery.

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